hi!Mood is a wi-fi device which generates light patterns and plays music in sync with your mood. And this is a concept i done for a contest on desall.com.
These is a personal project, called Gombina, I've done in the spring 2011. It is an example of how is possible create new shape, idea or simply make more actual a simple product. It's a flowerpot made out inox. Is based on 3 innovations: 1_ aesthetic is tapered from the ground. 2_ technical object, it has a function (but am not giving all info) 3_ it is made of inox, the metal under my point of view is one of the more eco-materials for his long life and recyclable properties. It's feasible.
This is a led lamp, the project was made by me and my university mate Tiziano Panigas. It was done for a contest in 2007. It is a concept for a very cheap and nice spot-light made out a few grams of aluminium.
These is another personal project, I've done in the spring 2011. I show some concept of how is possible create something new and fresh using different laminates materials to create new patterns and feeling.
Tanica means tank, case. Is an object thought to buy liquid dispensing product, from the milk to detergents. It has a capacity of 3 litres, it fit in any fridge and it has different handles to help anyone to manage it in different situations. The cap as well has double function. Is made in PT cheap, recyclable and good to stock food or detergents.
It is a university exercise done in the 2008 done with my mate Tiziano Panigas.